The “White Paper on copyright and protection of fundamental rights on the Internet “: 125 pages of International Studies, independent research, 500 References, fifteen authors from the world of journalism, business, academic research, the professions, the consumerism coordinated by the jurist Fulvio Sarzana di S.Ippolito.
Tuesday June 14 p.v. from 13 to 14 p.m. at the Press conference room of the Italian Chamber of Deputies in Rome (the Mission Street entrance 4) will be held the press conference presenting the “White Paper on copyright and protection of fundamental rights on the Internet” sponsored by the Consumers Associations and digital freedom Association ADICONSUM, AGORADIGITALE, Altroconsumo, Assonet-Confesercenti ASSOPROVIDER-Confcommercio, and by Law Firm Sarzana and Partners.
The press conference will take place immediately after the presentation to Parliament the Annual Report of the President of the Italian Communications Authority, to be held in the morning at 11 am at the hall of Lupa.
At The press conference will be also Sen. Vincenzo Vita , Cultural Heritage Commission Vice-President of Parliament, the Commissioner of Italian Communications Authority Nicola D’Angelo and the Member of parliament Marco Beltrandi.
The white paper is coordinated by the lawyer Fulvio Sarzana, will be available at the press conference and signed by fifteen authors from the world of journalism, business, academic research, the professions, the consumerism, among which indicate Scialdone Marco, Paolo Brini, Luca Nicotra, Marco Pierani, Mauro Vergari, Stefano Quintarelli, Luca Annunziata, Gaia Botta, Mauro Alovisio, Dino Bortolotto, Giovan Battista Frontera, Giulia Aranguena de la Paz, Research Center for Legal Informatics Turin, Fabrizio Gizzi, and addresses the issue of copyright from the point of view hitherto unexplored, under international studies never made known to the Italian public about copyright and freedom of expression, independent research, data in support of fundamental rights on the Internet, legal and social experiences of cohabitation between the protection of copyright and freedom of expression , and also analyzes the recent initiatives of the Italian Authority for the Communications regarding copyright.
All the newspapers (and journalists) involved in planning the request for accreditation settled within 17 hours of June 13 by posting the names (and any equipment) at .
Studio Legale Roma Sarzana & Associati
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