The new frontiers of cyber terrorism, cyber attacks within the management systems of nuclear power plants and the protection of critical national systems.

NCI Transport, Energy electricity networks are secure from cyber attacks?

What would happen if it will be a computer attack to automated systems, transport management, electricity networks, aqueducts?

And what would happen in case of attack computer systems for the management of nuclear power stations, if the same were brought to fruition in Italy after a computer virus knocked out a few months ago one of the most important Iranian nuclear power plants?

We discuss cyber security, cyber terrorism and protection of critical national infrastructure and much more in the Conference to be held at Fiera di Roma March 30, 2011 at 14:30 in sala Libano as part of the exhibition Smau Rome EXPOCOMM 2011.

Among the other speakers of Prefect Antonio Apruzzese, Director of Postal and Communications Police, Mr.. Fulvio Sarzana di S. Ippolito, Mr. Rita Forsi ISCOM Director General – Institute of Communications and Information Technology, the, Cons. Fausto Basile, Deputy Chief Legislative Office, Ministry for Public Administration and Innovation.

The conference is free.

 To Register:

Fulvio Sarzana
Studio Legale Roma Sarzana & Associati
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